
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

life is a....

salam..entry hari ni lebih formal cket..aku nak bercerita pasal life a.k.a kehidupan lah..sejak akhir² ramai yang mengadu banyak masalah..masalah sana sini, situ sini..pendek kata, "hidup ni kalau tak de masalah tak boleh ke?"merungut mereka bersahaja..

biaselah tu..sape² tak de masalah tu, hidup die memang bermasalah..tak gituh?
hiks~ dalam dunia nih memang banyak sangat orang definisikan life nih..

"hidup ibarat roda, sekejap kita kat atas, sekejap kita kat bawah"

"Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules"

"There is no wealth but life"

"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once."

dan ade jugak yang melihat life nih dalam sudut cinta (tak kirela cinta ape pon)

"Where there is love there is life."

"Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit."

tapi kadang-kadang cinta juga membawa masalah kepada kene la pandai ye..

so walau banyak mane sekali pon masalah, we must to face it..jangan lari dari masalah okeh?hee~ *cm pakar motivasi lak..

gue terjumpa quote dari elbert einstein pasal life..
he said " Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

semoga semua yang membaca mendapat semangat daripada entry ini..ahaks!

Aaa-thanks for reading this post! :)

24 klon tripleA:

Siti Fatimah Fuzz said...

anda di tag..

lini hasnan said...


farahAzreenHJAhmad said...

pasal life...whoooaaaaa.. ;) kagum

mizzapple said...

life must go on.
wlu pape pn masalah yg mndtg. :)

Aleen Aiden said...

sker quote yg last tuh!moralnya xpayah nak dgr ckp org nak condemn nih tiap2 idup kita,biarlah kekal milik kite.wah!hu3

استاذة ليلا said...

jdikan hidup ini bermakna dgn CINTA.
cinta kpd Allah,Rasul n ibu bapa especially.. :)

amier azrul alias said...

fatimah fuzz:okay..noted :)

amier azrul alias said...


amier azrul alias said...

npe x percye ke? :p

amier azrul alias said...

mizzapple:yupp,agree with apple :)

amier azrul alias said...

aleen aiden:wah! btol jgk quote tu kn? :)

amier azrul alias said...

princess laila:btol3..stuju!

noa said...

aku suka hidup aku ^_^

Alaa...nak cute ckit pun tak leh

susu said...

dunia ni mcm pentas teater,kite lah pelakonnya..(falsampah skit)

fynahere said...

omg! i suka quotes tu..nk letak dekat fb ye..heeeeeeeeeeee

Mat Ganu said...

hidup ini indah jika segalanya demi ALLAH s.w.t...insyaALLAH.

Anonymous said...

haa suka2...
bersemangat tibe2... ^^

ijatnuar87 said...

really ni ce the matter fact really love it...a lot of wonderfull thing with life..

AbdiahAziz said...

suka ayat ni..
" Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

ayat biasa dengar,tapi bg high spirit.
so sweet
enjoy your life.peace.

Imran nyambek said...


wahida said...

hai..thanks follow my blog, dtg nak follow awak balik ni...

Einaz Shah Rizal Thomas said...

this is my 1st time read your blog .
juat want to say haiy ;)

from :
einaz shah rizal thomas ;')

erleena said...

good :DD

life is beautiful wen u tink evryting +ve..

how many people will tink +ve
if they owez tink prblem is such a burden..and mmbebel kan haha :P

Nor moscow said...

kalau takde maslah canne nak hidup?